Personal Data Protection Law prohibits the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) to disclose any details from the Register of Natural Persons about another individual, with the exception of cases when the person who you are searching for has given his or her consent to the same.
In cases when you would like to get in communication with your relative, an old friend or acquaintance whose address you have lost or forgotten, OCMA can assist you to get in communication with such person.
OCMA will send a letter as a registered mail to the declared, registered or foreign address of the person you are looking for, if this information is included in the register of Natural Persons. OCMA will inform you in writing about the date when the letter was sent and also whether the letter was sent back and has not been delivered.
To contact the person you are searching for, you will need to present a passport, a receipt certifying the payment for the service and shall submit a written application indicating the surname, given name and identity number or date of birth of the person you are searching for. In addition, it is possible to submit beforehand prepared written message, which can be transferred to the friend or acquaintance you are searching for. Employees of the OCMA will transfer the submitted, beforehand prepared written message to the address of the person’s declared place of residence, on which the data are entered in the Register of Natural Persons. Upon receipt of the information from the OCMA, the person who you are searching for will by him or herself decide whether to responsd to your calling.
The service may be requested:
- electronically by using the official service eAddress;
- by post or e-mail in the OCMA territorial divisions;
- electronically by sending a request to the OCMA e-mail address
This is paid service, as a result you will have to pay the fee for the mailing and delivery services according to the OCMA price-list point 3 + postal expenses. The total amount of the fee will be determined after the submission of the application for this service. Therefore you as a recipient have to include your contact information in the application form, for more efficient communication.