An individual has the right to request and to receive from the Register information about the following, 2 times a calendar year and free of charge: 

  • Him or herself and their children under the age of 18 years;
  • Legal representatives of persons under trusteeship or guardianship have the right to request and to receive information from the Register about the same once a calendar year free of charge. 

A state duty shall be charged from an individual for each subsequent request of such type, in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Cabinet of Ministers (pricelist). 
An individual, his or her authorized person, as well as a legal representative can receive data included in the Register, in full volume, in written form by visiting the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in person. 

Information may be requested only remotely: 

  • electronically by using the official service eAddress;
  • by post or e-mail in the OCMA territorial divisions;
  • by post to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to address: Čiekurkalna 1.līnija 1, k-3, Rīga, LV-1026;
  • electronically by sending a request to the OCMA e-mail address signed by a secure electronic signature;
  • Free of charge electronically by using e-service My data in the Register of Natural Persons”. The service is available by authentication with secure electronic signature, authentication means of the Internet banks of   "Swedbank", "SEB banka", "Citadele banka", "Luminor banka", ''Indiustra bank'',   "PrivatBank", “Rietumu banka” or “BlueOrange”.

 Information may be requested only remotely: