Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • participate in carrying out research work related to migration problems;
  • cooperate with international organizations, as well as migration services of other countries, organize international meetings and conferences on migration issues and participate in their work;
  • analyse experience of Latvia and other countries in solving migration issues;
  • ensure issuance of visas;
  • further development of Republic of Latvia regulatory enactments and their harmonization with the legislation of the European Union in the field of visa regime and entry of foreign citizens and stateless persons;
  • analyse statistical data and issue related to visa regime;

Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • in established procedure examine cases and take decisions on granting refugee status or its refusal;
  • issue asylum seekers identification documents and refugee (persons) identification documents.

Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • organize repatriation work and administers the resources of Repatriation Fund;
  • carry out activities related to integration of repatriates;
  • accept repatriation documents, make decisions on issuing permits for entry into Latvia and granting repatriates status, as well as issue documents confirming a repatriates status.

Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • issue persons identification and travel documents, keep record of the mentioned documents, as well as develop and maintain the relevant data bases;
  • within its competence regulate, document and control entry and stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Latvia;

Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • determination the belonging of persons to the totality of Latvian citizens, Latvian non–citizens or stateless persons;

Pursuant to the laws and regulatory enactments in force in Latvia the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs performs the following functions:

  • enter persons in the Natural Persons Register and verify the information submitted by the persons to be registered;

  • gather the information needed for the Natural Persons Register;

  • maintain and improve automated account keeping system of population;

  • furnished information to persons and administrative institutions in the cases and procedure prescribed by regulatory enactments.