List of countries citizens of which may enter the Republic of Latvia without a visa and stay in Latvia for up to 90 days in any 180-day period:
1.Citizens of the European Union, member states of the European Economic Area and Swiss Confederation:
- Austria;
- Belgium;
- Cyprus;
- Czech Republic;
- Denmark;
- Finland;
- France;
- Germany;
- Greece;
- Hungary;
- Estonia;
- Ireland;
- Iceland;
- Italy;
- Lithuania;
- Liechtenstein;
- Luxemburg;
- Malta;
- The Netherlands;
- Norway;
- Poland;
- Portugal;
- Slovakia;
- Slovenia;
- Spain;
- Sweden;
- Switzerland;
- Bulgaria;
- Romania;
- Croatia.
2.List of countries and territorial authorities citizens of which do not require a visa in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1806/2018 of 14 November 2018 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement:
- Albania (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- Andorra;
- Antigua and Barbuda;
- Argentina;
- Australia;
- The Bahamas;
- Barbados;
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- Brazil;
- Brunei;
- Canada;
- Chile;
- Costa Rica;
- Colombia;
- Dominica;
- El Salvador;
- Grenada;
- Georgia (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- Guatemala;
- Honduras;
- Israel;
- Japan;
- Kiribati
- Korea (South Korea);
- Kosovo (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- Malaysia;
- Marshall Islands;
- Mauritius;
- Mexico;
- Micronesia;
- Moldova (applies only to the holders of biometric passports issued in line with standarts of the ICAO);
- Monaco;
- Montenegro (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- New Zealand;
- Nicaragua;
- North Macedonia (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- Panama;
- Palau;
- Paraguay;
- Peru;
- Saint Kitts and Nevis;
- Saint Lucia;
- Samoa;
- San Marino;
- Serbia (applies only to holders of biometric passports, including holders of Serbian passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (in Serbian: Koordinaciona uprava));
- Singapore;
- Solomon Islands;
- St Vincent and the Grenadines;
- The Seychelles;
- Timor-Leste;
- Tonga;
- Trinidad and Tobago;
- Tuvalu;
- Ukraine (applies only to holders of biometric passports);
- United Arab Emirates;
- United Kingdom (excluding British nationals as referred to in Part 3);
- Uruguay;
- USA;
- Vatican City State;
- Venezuela;
- Special Adminstrative Regions of the People's Republic of China:
- holders of a "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" passport;
- holders of a "Região Administrativa Especial de Macau" passport.
- Taiwan (applies only to holders of passports issued by Taiwan which include an identity card number).
3. Categories of persons who are exempt from the visa requirement:
3.1. British nationals who are not British citizens:
British Nationals (Overseas);
British overseas territories citizens (BOTC);
Those territories include Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar (*), Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands.
(*) Gibraltar is a colony of the British Crown. There is a controversy between Spain and the United Kingdom concerning the sovereignty over Gibraltar, a territory for which a solution has to be reached in light of the relevant resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly of the United Nations;
British overseas citizens (BOC);
British protected persons (BPP);
British subjects (BS);
3.2. Recognized refugees, stateless persons and other persons without a citizenship, who permanently reside in one of the EU member state and who hold a travel document issued by this member state (except Ireland).