You can pay for OCMA services:

  • with payment cards (VISA, VISA Electron, Maestro, Master) in any territorial division. When paying with payment cards, the commission fee is covered by the Treasury from the state budget funds.

  • By wire transfer, using the services of credit institutions.

Public Treasury accounts for state fees:

Fee for issuing passports:

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV70TREL1060140918100
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code: TRELLV22

Fee for the issuance of identity cards

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV86TREL1060140918200
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code: TRELLV22

A fee for the examination of documents required for the application for a visa or residence permit or the status of a permanent resident of the European Community in the Republic of Latvia, and related services:

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV37TREL1060140918500
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code:TRELLV22

Fee for the submission of a naturalisation application:

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV19TREL1060140919600
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code: TRELLV22

Fee for documenting the renunciation of Latvian citizenship and the renewal of citizenship:

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV35TREL1060140919700
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code: TRELLV22

Fines imposed by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs:

Receiver: Valsts kase
Beneficiary registration number: 90000050138
Bank account: LV14TREL1060141019600
Bank name: Valsts kase
Bank code: TRELLV22

The following must be indicated in the payment order:

Beneficiary: Valsts Kase (Public Treasury) 
Reg. No. 90000050138 
Account No. LVxxTRELxxxxxxxxxxxxx (account for the respective fee) 
Beneficiary Institution: Latvijas Banka, code TRELLV22

Paid services accounts:

Beneficiary: Pilsonības un Migrācijas Lietu Pārvalde (Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs) 
Reg. No. 90000054163 
Account No. LV74TREL2140093025000 
Beneficiary Institution: Valsts kase, code TRELLV22 


Payment of the state fee for the issuance of a passport or identity card (eID) shall be made after the application has been submitted to the Board!

If you pay for the service by transfer in a credit institution or Internet bank, please note that payment processing may take several days. If the payment has not yet arrived at the Treasury, OCMA is not entitled to provide the requested service!

Internet bank printouts, payment orders approved by banks, and other payment documents are not considered proof that the service has been paid for. 

When applying for services in an expedited manner (preparation of statements, expedited processing of passports and eIDs, etc.), we recommend paying for the service at the OCMA division with a payment card.