This is to inform that the Ukrainian civilian, who stays in Latvia on the basis of the residence permit, has an obligation to declare his or her place of residence in Latvia within one month from the day of receipt of the residence permit card.

It is possible to declare the place of residence in Latvia:

  1. at the division of the Office, upon receipt of the residence permit card (free of charge). If the place of residence is declared at the Office after receipt of the residence permit card, then the State fee shall be paid.
  2. by using the e-service of the Office: (free of charge). It is possible to authenticate through i-bank or e-signature, including the one integrated into the residence permit card or foreigner’s eID card.  Support for performance of this e-service is available by visiting any State and municipal uniform customer service centre
  3. at the authority of declaration of the place of residence of the municipality, where the new place of residence is located (the State fee is to be paid).

For those citizens of Ukraine who have received a residence permit issued in the Republic of Latvia and the Register of Natural Persons includes information about the address of their place of accommodation (contact address), the inclusion of the address of the place of accommodation (contact address) in the Register of Natural Persons is considered to be the fulfillment of the obligation to declare the place of residence (see Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians).