1. Is it possible to retain the Latvian citizenship if a citizenship of another country has been acquired?

The Latvian citizenship shall be retained for persons who have acquired the citizenship of a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Association,  the Commonwealth of Australia, the Federative Republic of Brazil or New Zealand.  

The Latvian citizenship shall be retained also for the persons, who have acquired the citizenship of the country not specified above, if in relation to important interests of the State a permit of the Cabinet of Ministers has been received to retain the dual citizenship or if it has been acquired automatically (ex lege) by entering into marriage or due to adoption. Find out more

2. How to notify on the acquisition of citizenship of another country?

In order to notify on the acquisition of the citizenship of another country, the Latvian citizens have to submit to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs or representative office of Latvia abroad a document, confirming the existence of the citizenship of another country, such as, a passport, personal identity card or certificate of citizenship and the personal identification document of the Latvian citizen.

At the same time we would like to draw your attention that if an adult citizen of Latvia has become a citizen of the country with which the establishment of a dual citizenship is not permitted, the person shall have a duty within 30 days after acquisition thereof to submit a submission regarding renounciation of the Latvian citizenship.  Find out more

3. Where the documents about acquisition of the citizenship of another country can be submitted?

  1. electronically by using the official service eAddress;
  2. by means of a secure electronic signature, by sending to e-mail pmlp@pmlp.gov.lv;
  3.  by post to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to address: Čiekurkalna 1.līnija 1, k-3, Rīga, LV-1026. 


4. Can the child has dual citizenship?

Children up to the age of 18 years can have a dual citizenship with any country.

At the same time we would like to draw your attention that a citizen of Latvia, to whom the dual citizenship has been established until attaining the age of majority with a country not permitted by the Citizenship Law, will have to make a choice to retain either the Latvian citizenship or the citizenship of the non-permitted country after attaining the age of majority and until the age of 25 years. This obligation shall not be subject to the citizen of Latvia, to whom the Latvian citizenship has been registered as a successor of a deportee.

5. Where a submission and document regarding renunciation the Latvian citizenship can be submitted?

  1. electronically by using the official service eAddress;
  2. by means of a secure electronic signature, by sending to e-mail pmlp@pmlp.gov.lv;
  3.  by post to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to address: Čiekurkalna 1.līnija 1, k-3, Rīga, LV-1026. 

Regarding the possibility to submit documents to the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of Latvia abroad, please contact the nearest mission or watch on the website: https://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/latvias-embassies-and-consulates