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The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA), in co-operation with the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior (IC), implements the project in the framework of national Programme of the Asylum, Migration and integration Fund 2014-2020, “Development of information systems supporting Naturalisation and related processes” (hereinafter - Project).

Objective of the Project: to improve the quality of the naturalisation process.

Project implementation period: 09/04/2019 – 30/06/2023

Funding: 1 183 208 EUR (of which Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2014-2020) financing: 887 406 EUR, national budget financing: 295 802 EUR).

The following measures were implemented within the Project:

  1. New Information System for Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship (hereinafter – ISALC) was developed.
  2. Modernized video surveillance in the tests of Latvian language proficiency and basic provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the text of the national anthem and the history of Latvia.
  3. A number of measures have been implemented to promote naturalisation of third-country nationals and non-nationals:
  • Information campaigns of the process of obtaining Latvian citizenship:

The infographic about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship under the naturalisation procedure

The brochure about the acquisition of Latvian citizenship under the naturalisation procedure

  • Development of electronic tool for self-examination of language skills and knowledge for acquisition of Latvian citizenship, which will allow applicants for citizenship to verify knowledge prior to the actual examination work. The test is also expected to be developed easily on mobile devices:

    ​​​​​​​The infographic about e-tool

Informative material about e-tool

  1. Organisation of educational seminars for OCMA personnel involved in the naturalisation process.
  2. Equipping of workplaces for workers dealing with migration and naturalisation issues, purchasing new techniques for playing the listening part of naturalisation tests.
  3. Equipping naturalisation test rooms with new furniture, computers and peripheral equipment.

The following results were achieved within the Project:

  • A new Information System for the Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship has been established.
  • A technical solution for data exchange has been established for the exchange of data with ISALC regarding administrative violations (Project’s action implemented by IC).
  • The monitoring tool for persons who have committed criminal offences has been complemented with functionality, including the necessary ISALC audits (Project’s action implemented by IC).
  • Modern video surveillance system has been installed at the locations where naturalisation tests are carried out.
  • Informative campaigns have been implemented regarding the possibility to acquire Latvian citizenship in accordance with naturalisation procedures and tests to be carried out.
  • An electronic tool for self-testing language skills and knowledge of acquisition of Latvian citizenship has been developed.
  • Measures for raising the qualification of the parties involved in the naturalisation procedure are provided:
    • training for OCMA staff about electronic self-testing tool and naturalisation trends;
    • training and consultations for ISALC users;
    • courses for 2 OCMA employees to perform ISALC data analysis in the business intelligence tool SAP Business Objects.
  • Equipped workplaces for staff involved in migration and naturalisation field, equipment purchased to play the listening part during tests.
  • New audio recordings have been prepared for the tasks of the listening part of naturalization tests.
  • 4 Naturalisation test rooms equipped with furniture, computers and additional equipment.
  • Contacts:

Project manager Jānis Reiniks
Tel. +371 67219426

 IC contactperson:

Maris Ornins

The project concluded on 30.06.2023.