Covid-19 News
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Approving additional amendments to Cabinet Regulation No. 360 of 9 June 2020, “Epidemiological Security Measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 infection”, on March 18, 2021, the government decided to specify the list of countries from which a person should make an additional Covid-19 test after arrival in Latvia, as well as in case of positive test result the 10-day isolation must be accompanied in one of the Latvian tourist accommodation of a list administered by the LIAA, where safety protocols have been drawn up. These requirements will be in force until April 15, 2021. It is important to point out that the person must bear the costs of carrying out the test, transport, accommodation and catering services at the tourist accommodation by personal means.

When entering Latvia from a country not a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area State, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom, an additional Covid-19 test shall be made at the nearest possible point of testing. It is important to know that the test must be carried out for children and already vaccinated persons. These requirements also applies to persons who travel to Latvia through other EU Member States by land, by sea, etc. The requirements do not apply to individuals in certain exceptional cases.

At the same time, persons arriving in Latvia from a country not a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area State, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom must observed 10-day self-isolation at their residence or tourist accommodation in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus and avoid the risk of infecting other persons living in the household.

If the test result is negative, the person may observe self-isolation to his or her place of residence. If the test is positive or if a person does not perform the test at all, the person shall note this information on the website and shall immediately proceed in isolation (or continuing isolation) at the freely selected Latvian tourist accommodation from the list of tourist accommodation administered by the LIAA, which is suitable for the reception of Covid-19 patients, and in which all the necessary safety protocols have been developed. A person has been required to inform the accommodation of tourists of the presence of a non-member country of the European Union, the country of the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom without a test or positive test status.

If the person has carried out the test and the test result is positive, the tourism service provider has an obligation to ensure the transport for the person to go to the tourist accommodation for isolation. The tourism service provider is also obliged to inform the State Police of all persons who have purchase a tourism service to countries not members of the European Union, the European Economic Area State, the Swiss Confederation and the United Kingdom, whether or not through airport in Riga or other countries, and to enter the data of all travellers in the information system at the website of the

On the other hand, the tourist accommodation has an obligation to inform the State Police regarding the non-nighting of the person or the continued non-presence at the tourist accommodation during the isolation period.

If a person can prove by documentary evidence that he or she has been ill with Covid-19, has recovered and is not infectious, the doctor may take a decision determining that the person may fail to comply with the self-isolation and to issue or electronically send to the person medical statement.

Information prepared by:

Ministries of Economy
Public relations department