Text: If you can't come to receive the service, cancel pre-appointment

Summer is a time when many of you remember changing identity documents, wanting to travel and renewing documents after marriage.

Between 5 July and 9 July,
1408 clients did not come and did not cancel their pre-appointment.
In order for us to provide the highest quality services, we invite you to show solidarity and CANCEL the previous appointment.

If you cannot arrive on time, you can cancel the previous appointment:

  • By writing to the e-mail of the division of OCMA where the previous registration was made;
  • From the link sent in the email, making an appointment on pilot project via website, or via the mobile phone application Qticket, download it from Google Play or App store.
    This service can be used for Riga 1st, Riga 2nd and 3rd Riga divisions, as well as divisions of Bauska, Cesis, Daugavpils, Dobele, Jekabpils, Jelgava, Jurmala, Liepaja, Ogre, Rezekne, Valmiera, Ventspils branches.

Thanks to those clients who cancel their pre-appointment on time! 
This will allow us to provide services to other customers!