
rigas.3.nodala [at]

There are three ways to issue and receive citizen's and non-citizen's passport and eID card  in the Riga 3rd division:

  • according to the queue, i.e. going to the division without making an appointment in advance;
  • joining the remote queue for issuing or receiving a passport and eID card on the given day, using the Qticket mobile app;
  • by making a previous appointment for a specific day and time here

You can apply for a permanent residence permit and a temporary residence permit (photograph, biometric data) in three ways:

  • according to the queue, i.e. going to the division without making an appointment in advance;
  • joining the remote queue on the given day using the Qticket mobile app;
  • by making a previous appointment for a specific day and time here.

Information phone: +371 67209400

Riga 3rd division is suitable for receiving services for persons in wheelchairs and visitors with baby carriages. There are three parking spaces for disabled vehicles at the entrance of the building.

  • As of July 1, Riga 3rd division provide services to Ukrainian civilians. Likewise, Ukrainian civilians are able to receive services in the other territorial divisions of Riga. The service is provided on a "live queue" basis.
    Taking into account that the number of Ukrainian civilians in need of the services of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs has gradually decreased, OCMA cease its activities at the Riga Support Centre for Ukrainian Citizens as of 27 June 2024.
  • Починаючи з 1 липня, 3-й департамент Риги надаватиме послуги українським цивільним мешканцям. Так само українські громадяни зможуть отримати послуги в інших територіальних підрозділах Риги. Послуга надаватиметься за принципом «живої черги». 
    Беручи до уваги, що кількість українських громадян, які потребують послуг Управління у справах громадянства та міграції, поступово зменшується, Управління припиняє свою діяльність у Ризькому центрі підтримки цивільних мешканців України з 27 червня 2024 року.

Office hours

  • Monday 8.00 - 16.00
  • Tuesday 8.00 - 16.00
  • Wednesday 10.00 - 18.00
  • Thursday 8.00 - 16.00
  • Friday 8.00 - 15.30
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


Sabīne Kristjansena

Head of Division
sabine.kristjansena [at]