The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs provides official statistics that corresponds to the criteria laid down in the Statistics Law and is included in the Official Statistics Programme.

On 12 December 2018, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, being one of the State authorities providing official statistics in accordance with the Statistics Law, signed the Memorandum of Understanding of statistical institutions about the cooperation in the implementation of Quality Policies of the Official Statistical System, and undertook to introduce and promote compliance with quality requirements in the field of statistics.

More information about the System of Official Statistics is provided on the website of the Central Statistical Bureau​​​​​​​

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, according to the requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 311/76 on the compilation of statistics on foreign workers (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), provides the following statistics:

1. Regarding obtaining citizenship

In accordance with Article 3(1)d) of the Regulation on the number of persons having their usual residence in the territory of the Member State and having acquired during the reference year the citizenship of the Member State and having formerly held the citizenship of another Member State or a third country or having formerly been stateless.


The referred to statistics relates to the reference periods of one calendar year and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within twelve months after the end of the reference year.

    In accordance with Article 4(1) of the Regulation on

    • the numbers of persons having submitted an application for international protection or having been included in such an application as a family member during the reference period;


    This statistics is disaggregated by age and sex and by citizenship of the persons concerned. It relates to the reference periods of one calendar year and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within two months after the end of the reference year.

    In accordance with Article 4(2) of the Regulation on

    • the numbers of persons covered by first instance decisions rejecting applications for international protection, such as decisions considering applications as inadmissible or as unfounded and decisions under priority and accelerated procedures, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by first instance decisions granting or withdrawing refugee status, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by first instance decisions granting or withdrawing subsidiary protection status, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by first instance decisions granting or withdrawing refugee status, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by other first instance decisions granting or withdrawing authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons under national law concerning international protection, taken by administrative or judicial bodies during the reference period.


    This statistics is disaggregated by age and sex and by citizenship of the persons concerned. It relates to the reference periods of three calendar months and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within two months after the end of the reference period.

    In accordance with Article 4(3) of the Regulation on

    • the numbers of applicants for international protection who are considered by the responsible national authority to be unaccompanied minors during the reference period

    • number of persons covered by final decisions rejecting applications for international protection, such as decisions considering applications as inadmissible or as unfounded and decisions under priority and accelerated procedures, taken by administrative or judicial bodies in appeal or review during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by final decisions granting or withdrawing refugee status taken by administrative or judicial bodies in appeal or review during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by final decisions granting or withdrawing subsidiary protection status taken by administrative or judicial bodies in appeal or review during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by final decisions granting or withdrawing temporary protection taken by administrative or judicial bodies in appeal or review during the reference period;
    • number of persons covered by other final decisions, taken by administrative or judicial bodies in appeal or review, granting or withdrawing authorisations to stay for humanitarian reasons under national law concerning international protection during the reference period;


    This statistics is disaggregated by age and sex and by citizenship of the persons concerned. It relates to the reference periods of one calendar year and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within three months after the end of the reference year.

    In accordance with Article 4(4) of the Regulation on the application of Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1560/2003 of 2 September 2003 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 (13):

    • number of requests received and sent asking the taking back of an asylum seeker or taking charge for examining his/her application for international protection (disaggregated by type of request and legal basis)

    • number of asylum seekers transferred to the Member State responsible on the basis of the decision taken by that Member State to take back the asylum seeker or to take charge for examining his/her application for international protection (disaggregated by duration and legal basis of the transfer procedure)


    This statistics relates to the reference periods of one calendar year and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within three months after the end of the reference year. 

      In accordance with Article 6 of the Regulation on residence permits and residence of third-country nationals:

      • First-time residence permits issued during the reporting period disaggregated by citizenship, by grounds for granting the permit and by the period of validity of the permit

      • Residence permits issued during the reporting period, changing the immigration status, disaggregated by citizenship and by grounds for granting the permit

      • Residence permits issued at the end of the reporting period disaggregated by citizenship, by grounds for granting the permit and by the period of validity of the permit

      • Number of permanent residents at the end of the reporting period by citizenship


      The referred to statistics relates to the reference periods of one calendar year and is submitted to the Commission (Eurostat) within six months after the end of the reference year.