Press information
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The information campaign of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (hereinafter – the OCMA) “Humanity. Response. Responsibility” is ending. The campaign provided information on various aspects of the asylum procedure in order to explain that this process includes both rights and obligations that both the Latvian side and the asylum seekers have to respect. A social media campaign, explanatory infographics and animations have been developed, as well as awareness-raising and educational events were organised for asylum seekers and local residents in Mucenieki, Ropaži Municipality, and Liepna, Alūksne Municipality.

“In recent years, the Latvian asylum system has been facing challenges due to the large increase in the number of asylum seekers. The OCMA has successfully addressed this issue, including by opening a new asylum seeker accommodation centre in Liepna in 2023 with the support of European Union funds, as well as by investing in the infrastructure of the existing asylum seeker accommodation centre in Mucenieki, thus strengthening the capacity in the field of asylum seeker accommodation.  Despite the increase in the number of asylum seekers, all asylum applications are handled thoroughly, professionally, individually and fairly. It is important for persons applying for asylum in the Republic of Latvia to remember that applying for asylum is not only a right, but also an obligation resulting from a responsible, responsive and respectful attitude towards the State of Latvia, its laws and citizens,” says Maira Roze, Head of the OCMA.

The materials developed in the framework of the campaign are sustainable and will provide Latvian citizens and asylum seekers with an overview of the asylum process in Latvia, starting from a person's arrival in Latvia to obtaining or refusal to grant the refugee or alternative status.

Statistics on asylum seekers in Latvia:

For all the campaign materials and more information on the campaign's aims and importance, see

Additional information:

Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
Public Relations Division, +371 67219185

The campaign “Humanity. Response. Responsibility” has been created and funded within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021 – 2027 Programme Project No PMLP/PMIF/2023/2 “Support measures for reception and accommodation of persons in need of international protection in Latvia (1st phase)”.