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The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (hereinafter – the OCMA) has created a series of six video guides to explain important information on migration issues in a simple and easy-to-understand way. The guides cover topics such as entry and residence of European Union citizens and their family members in Latvia, conditions for applying for a nomad visa, the invitation process, obtaining a European Union Blue Card and obtaining a visa for seasonal work.

The first video guide in the series is designed to explain how a start-up founder can obtain a residence permit in Latvia. This guide will be useful for entrepreneurs from other countries who are planning to develop their innovative business idea in Latvia by setting up a start-up company.

"Given that there are strictly regulated requirements and conditions for obtaining the right of residence in Latvia, it is very important for us to provide applicants with clear and understandable step-by-step instructions on what documents they need to submit, what the state fee is and what deadlines they need to meet in order to successfully process their residence documents. This will help avoid misunderstandings and incorrectly submitted documents," says Maira Roze, Head of the OCMA.

You can watch the video guide in the "Residence permits" section of the OCMA’s website, on the OCMA's official YouTube account and on its social media channels. The video guide explains in detail what documents are needed for a start-up founder to apply for a residence permit and where to submit them. Information is also provided on re-applying for a residence permit.

In case of any questions or doubts, additional information on the services of the OCMA – both in the field of migration and on other issues – can be obtained on working days by calling the information line +371 67209400."

The development of the video and the information phone are financed from the funds of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027 programme project "Modernisation of the Comprehensive Migration Information System Software Platform (Phase 1)" (issues related to entry and stay in the Republic of Latvia), as well as the funds of the basic budget of the OCMA (issues related to other services provided by the OCMA).

Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs
Public Relations Division, +371 67219185