News PMLP30
CIlvēka rokas, kas strādā pie datora, datorā atvērta Pārvaldes mājaslapa

We provide our clients with a many important and useful Population Register services, including e-services, which are a very convenient and time-saving way to receive services.

Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs:

  • in co-operation with other state and local government institutions, sworn notaries and data subjects, ensures the inclusion and updating of information in the Population Register;
  • maintains and improves a unified automated population registration system;
  • provides data to natural persons and the information necessary to the state administration and local government authorities.

To receive information from the Population Register, we offer the following services:

  1. "My data in the Population Register" - request and receive all current information included in the Register about:
  • yourself and your children under the age of 18;
  • persons in out-of-home care or guardianship, which the legal representatives of such persons are entitled to request and receive
  1. “Reference on yourself or another person” - receive information from the Population Register (statement about a person's place of residence, marital status, passport data, etc.) about oneself or another person, if you are the legal or authorized representative of such perso.
  2. “Persons who have their registered place of residence in my property” - obtain the current information about the persons who have declared or registered their place of residence in your immovable property that is recorded in the land register as stipulated by the law;
  3. “Contact a person you are looking for” - if you are looking for a long-lost schoolmate, friend or relative, or a person involved in civil law proceedings that you wish to contact, you can send a letter to this person by using this service.
  4. Verification whether a person is included in the Population Register and whether there is no information about the person's death” - verification whether the person is registered in the Population Register and whether any entries are made as to the death of the person.
  5. “Verification that the person is registered at the address provided” - verification that the person has a valid registration at the address of residence known to you.
  6. “Correspondence of personal identification numbers to one person” - check the correspondence of two personal identification numbers to one person, in case you have two personal identification numbers assigned in Latvia and it is necessary to make sure that they are assigned to the same person.
  7. “Information on a person's legal capacity” -  check whether the Population Register includes information about restriction of legal capacity and the area in which the person has limited legal capacity, as well as see the detailed court ruling.
  8. “Current and previous personal identification number” - receive information about the current personal identification number assigned to the person in Latvia and the date of the assignment. If the personal identification number has been changed, you will be able to receive information about the previous personal identification numbers assigned to the person, if any (paid service).
  9. Provision of statistics and other general information
  10. Application for prohibition or permission to use a person's body, tissues and organs after death
  11. Updating information in the Population Register

Information from the Population Register can be obtained by requesting it in the following ways:

  • by using the above-mentioned e-services;
  • by submitting an electronically signed application to the official electronic address of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (eAddress);
  • by submitting an application using the e-service “Application to an institution” ;
  • by sending a free-form electronically signed application to the e-mail or by mailing a signed application to any territorial division of the Office;
  • information regarding the person's declared or registered place of residence may also be requested in the local government corresponding to the administrative territory where the place of residence of the person for whom the information is requested is registered or declared;
  • in diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Latvia abroad;
  • in online data transfer mode.

The Office shall issue the information included in the Population Register in the following ways:

  • in writing in the form of an electronic document or in paper format;
  • in online data transfer mode.