According to section 68.2 of the Immigration Law, a warning or a fine of up to seventy units of fine shall be applied for staying in the Republic of Latvia without a valid travel document, visa, residence permit, Union citizen’s certificate of registration, permanent residence certificate, health insurance policy, or for violation of other conditions related to staying in the Republic of Latvia.

According to section 68.1 of the Immigration Law, a warning or a fine of up to thirty units of fine shall be applied for the failure to register the residence permit.

The first paragraph of Section 3 of the Law on Administrative Penalties for Violations in the field of Administration, Public Order and Use of the Official Language states that a warning or a fine of up to one hundred forty units of fine shall be applied to a natural person for the failure to provide information, improper provision of information, or provision of false information.

  • written request - six months after approval thereof;
  • documents confirming the necessary provision of subsistence and planned place of residence in the Republic of Latvia - three months after issue thereof;
  • statements, letters and other letters, except the  civil registry documents, court rulings, archive statements and education documents - six months after the issue thereof;
  • statement about results of X-ray or fluorographic examination - a year after issue thereof.

The inviter or the foreigner, who does not require a letter of invitation to apply for a residence permit, is entitled to contest the decision regarding refusal to issue or register a residence permit within 30 days after the day of entry into force of the decision to the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

Sample of the application.

Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs



Name Surname,

residing in ... (city), ... (street), ..... (No of apartment)


Riga, 25 April 2021

[Text of the application]

Personal signature

Please take into account that applications are accepted in the official language only.The aforementioned persons are entitled to appeal the decision of the Head of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs regarding refusal to issue or register a residence permit or annulment of a residence permit to the court in the procedure set forth by law.