1. What documents should be submitted for acquisition of the citizenship of Latvia in accordance with the procedure of naturalization?

In order to acquire the citizenship of Latvia in accordance with the procedure of naturalization, it is necessary to submit to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs:

  1. a submission for naturalization;
  2. personal identification document;
  3. certification on the legal source of subsistence of the person or his or her provider (a statement of the employer or a statement from the bank about positive account balance);
  4. 1 photograph (3x4 cm);
  5. document/-s about the permanent place of residence of the person during recent 5 years in Latvia;
  6. if a person is the citizen of another country, a statement should be submitted regarding criminal records (legalized with the translation into Latvian), issued and signed by the competent authority in the country of citizenship (the validity period of the statement shall be 6 months);
  7. a document regarding payment of the State fee.

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2. What documents confirm the permanent residence in Latvia for the last five years?

The following documents may confirm the permanent residence in Latvia during the last five years:

  • from the employer about employment;
  • from the State Social Insurance Agency regarding the contributions made and received services;
  • from the educational institution;
  • from the municipal official regarding the fact that the person lives in the administrative territory of the relevant municipality;
  • regarding the fact that the person has performed commercial or financial activities in the territory of Latvia during the certain period of time.

3. Where the document can be submitted for acquisition of the citizenship of Latvia through naturalisation procedures?

  1. electronically by using the official service eAddress;
  2. by sending via mail to any territorial unit of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs;
  3. by means of a secure electronic signature, by sending to e-mail any territorial unit of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs 

4. Where the State fee for naturalization can be paid?

The State fee for naturalization currently can be paid at any credit institution, postal office or by using online banking. Account number.

5. Is the process of acquisition of the citizenship of Latvia through naturalisation procedures very complicated?

In order to acquire the citizenship of Latvia through naturalisation procedures, the person shall:

  • submit the necessary documents;
  • pay the State fee;
  • pass the Latvian language proficiency test and the test of basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the text of the National Anthem and the basics of the history and culture of Latvia, unless the relief arrangements determined by legal acts are to be applied;
  • a pledge of loyalty to the Republic of Latvia shall be signed.

The rest will be performed by the employees of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

6. How to apply for the naturalisation test?

After signing of the naturalisation submission and submission of all necessary documents the employee of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs will assign the person for naturalisation tests, agreeing on the date and time with the person

7. Is it possible to learn the Latvian history at home?

It is possible to acquire the study book developed for applicants of citizenship by J.Taurēns “Basic Issues of the Latvian History. Constitutional Principles of the State”, where the necessary information is set forth in a simple language in order to pass the test of knowledge determined by the Citizenship Law.

Besides, it is possible to find the questions you will have to answer, when passing the test, in the methodological study aid “Methodological recommendations for applicants of the citizenship of Latvia, when preparing for a test of the basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the text of the National Anthem and the basics of the history and culture of Latvia”.

The above-mentioned materials may be acquired free of charge at the territorial units of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs by contacting in advance.

8. For how many times the naturalisation tests may be passed in case of failure at the first time?

Each test may be passed for 3 times.

The Latvian language proficiency test may be repeatedly passed not sooner than after 3 months, the test on the basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the texts of the National Anthem and the basics of the history and culture of Latvia - not earlier than after 1 month. The person shall repeatedly pass only the part of test not passed during the previous time.

9. What a disabled person should do, who cannot pass the tests due to physical reasons?

Depending on the type of disability of the person or health status, the person, when passing tests of knowledge, is due to special relief arrangements, even up to exemption from them. Before submission of documents, definitely consult with the employees of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs on this issue by calling to the phone: +371 67829820 +371 67829844 or writing to the e-mail: pskn@pmlp.gov.lv

10. Do the person, who is 68 years old, has to pass naturalisation exams?

Persons, who have attained the age of 65 years, are exempted from the written part of the Latvian language proficiency test. They have to pass the oral part of the Latvian language proficiency test and the test of basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the text of the National Anthem and the basics of the history and culture of Latvia;

11. Will there be any relief arrangements, when applying for naturalisation, if the person studied in the school with the Latvian study language from grade 5 to grade 9?

If the principal education has been acquired in Latvian, acquiring at least half of the programme of the principal education in Latvian, then the naturalisation tests should not be passed.

12. Can the graduates of secondary schools and principal schools, who have successfully passed the centralized examination in Latvian and with to undergo naturalisation, not pass the Latvian language proficiency test for naturalisation?

The person, who has confirmed the proficiency of Latvia not earlier than five years before the submission on the acquisition of the citizen of Latvia has been submitted, shall be exempted for the Latvian language proficiency test:

  • when acquiring in the centralized examination in Latvian (of the accredited education programme for grade 9) the total assessment in percentage not below 50 percent,
  • or when acquiring in the centralized examination in Latvian (of the accredited education programme for grade 12) the total assessment in percentage not below 20 percent.

13. Is it possible to acquire the Latvian citizenship through naturalisation procedures by retaining the current citizenship (of another country)?

The citizenship of another country shall be retained, if the person is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a Member State of the European Free Trade Association, a Member State of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Federative Republic of Brazil or New Zealand. Citizens of other countries shall renounce his or her citizenship.

14. Do I need to submit a Police Clearance Certificate if I have never lived in the country of my citizenship?

Yes. It is mandatory for citizens of other countries to submit Police Clearance Certificate issued by a competent authority of the country of citizenship.