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Receiving restrictions

Declaration of residence of a third-country national in the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA). The service shall ensure the possibility for a foreigner to declare or indicate his or her, the place of residence of a person under the auspices of his or her minor, who is also a foreigner, in Latvia or in a foreign state. When declaring the place of residence in Latvia or indicating the address in a foreign state, the foreigner has the possibility to indicate also one additional address of the place of residence in Latvia or in a foreign state. A third-country national may also declare his or her place of residence in the registration authority of the local government in the administrative territory of which the address of the place of residence to be declared is located. The place of residence may be declared by means of the e-service “Declaration or designation of residence”.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    When declaring the address of the place of residence in Latvia, a third-country national must present a passport or other valid personal identification document in the territory of the PMLP. The place of residence may be declared on the spot of the PMLP, either by obtaining a residence permit or registration certificate or later by changing the place of residence.
    An application for the declaration of residence must be submitted in person and the payment of the State fee of EUR 4,27 for the registration of the particulars of the declared place of residence must be made.

  2. Receipt of services
    When declaring the place of residence, a third-country national may receive a written declaration regarding the address of the declared place of residence.

  3. State fee for declaration of residence
    National fee for declaration of residence EUR 4,27

  4. Electronically
    When declaring the place of residence electronically, payment of the State fee shall not be required.