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Provide the possibility for a person to notify the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs regarding the address of the place of residence in a foreign state and/or an additional address in foreign states or Latvia, regarding the acquisition of citizenship of another country, regarding the identification code assigned in a foreign state and regarding changes to the information entered in the Register of Natural Persons, which have been made in foreign institutions. Informative phone: +371 67209400 or e-mail:

Process description

  1. Service requests
    A submission regarding the notification of residence in a foreign state and/or an additional address in Latvia or Latvia at present
    can only be submitted remotely:
    1) by using the official electronic eAdresi, or by sending the electronic mail of any territorial division of the PMLP with a secure electronic signature, accompanied by a copy of the personal identification document;
    2) by posting to the nearest territorial division of the PMLP, attaching a certified copy of the personal identification document;
    3) via e-service
    Declaration or designation of residence

    Documents regarding the acquisition of citizenship of another State, the personal code granted in a foreign state or the changes to the information contained in the Register of Natural Persons, which have been made to foreign institutions, can at present only be submitted remotely:
    1) by using the official electronic eAdresi or by sending electronic mail to any territorial division of the PMLP, accompanied by certified copies of the original documents signed with a secure electronic signature;
    2. When sending by post to the nearest territorial division of the PMLP, copies of the documents must be certified.

    Documents may also be submitted to the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of Latvia abroad. For possible means of submitting documents, please contact the mission in question or watch on the Internet:

    At the same time, if it is necessary to verify the legal strength of the original document or the accuracy of the derivative of the document, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs may at any time request that the original document be produced.

  2. Receipt of services
    At the request of a person, information concerning the updating of the information in the Register of Natural Persons shall be sent to the person at the eAdresi, e-mail or postal address. It is possible for a person to verify electronically what information on him is included in the Register of Natural Persons - My Data in the Register of Natural Persons (

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