Execution deadline in working days
Public law legal person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

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The service shall ensure the possibility to obtain information from the information system maintained by the Office for Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) in the on-line data transmission mode regarding natural persons, the data of which is necessary for the user to perform his or her functions and the amount of data required thereto, in accordance with the purpose and legal justification for the use of information specified in regulatory enactments. Personal data shall be provided on the basis of an interdepartmental agreement or agreement between the PMLP and the contracting party (legal person, public administration or local authority) using an intersystem interface or OCMA survey system (application).
The service includes configuring, subscribing, monitoring, creating a system or application user, unlocking the user account, restoring the connection.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    In order to start work on the contract, the news applicant shall submit a reasoned request to the OCMA, indicating the legal basis for the receipt of the information for each amount of data requested. The request should also indicate the legal purpose of the use of the information that will be achieved when the requested data is received.
    For the purposes of saving time, the OCMA proposes that the initial text of the cooperation agreement be harmonised electronically between the OCMA and the Company's contacts.

    Subscription fees for the use of the test and production environment in online data transmission mode, depending on the number of users in the system, but regardless of the number of records of persons processed. The monitoring subscription fee shall be calculated by the number of persons processed.

  2. Receipt of services
    After the conclusion of the contract, the configuration of the technical connection to the operation of the online data transmission system or test database, or the development of the software of the monitoring set, or the provision of connections to physical users shall take place.
    Monitoring is an additional service that enables the news interrogator to initiate the receipt of changes to the data of the people of interest.
    The data are provided at:
    - in the cross-system interface from the OCMA information system to the message interrogator system;
    - manually using the “Personal Data Explorer” computer program developed and maintained by the OCMA.
    Subscription fees for the use of the test and production environment in online data transmission mode, depending on the number of users in the system, but regardless of the number of records of persons processed. The monitoring subscription fee shall be calculated by the number of persons processed.
    Price List: MK 19.09.2017. Regulation No 562 “Price List for Office of Citizenship and Migration Charge Services”, paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7.
    Sub-paragraph 2.6 of Regulation No 505 of the BOM 29.08.2017. “Provisions on the State Fee for Receiving Information from the Population Register” - regarding the receipt of information in the online data transmission mode regarding the data of one person, if the information is prepared on the basis of the criteria specified by the applicant, the payment of the State fee of EUR 2.00 has been determined. In conformity with Paragraph 6 of these Regulations, payment of the State fee shall be made prior to receipt of information from the Population Register.

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